Is the sealant safe to use inside the home?
Yes, the AeroBarrier system uses a commercially available sealant. The sealant is GreenGuard
Gold Certified, meaning that it meets the stricter certification requirements for us in schools
and healthcare facilities.
How much will this tighten the house?
AeroBarrier can meet whatever tightness requirements the space was designed to handle. The
AeroBarrier technology provides real-time air tightness readings and allows the process to be
stopped at any time once the required tightness is reached.
What size leaks will this seal?
The AeroBarrier process will seal gaps up to 1/2” wide and as small as a human hair. Aerosol
sealing is very effective at sealing narrow gaps and extremely small holes that are typically not
cost-effective or are missed when sealed manually. In general, the larger the leak the longer it
will take to seal.
How long does the process take?
The sealing process for a 2,000 sq. ft. house typically takes one to two hours, depending on
initial tightness. Additional time is required for setup and cleanup.
What does the sealant look like after it is applied?
The sealant looks like grey caulk. Once it dries it can be painted.
How long after the sealing process can you work in the house?
The space needs to be aired out for 30 minutes after sealing. This is done by opening windows
and running the fan. Work in the space can continue as soon as the sealing equipment is
How much will the house be pressurized?
A blower door is used to pressurize the space to about 100 Pascals - about twice the pressure
used for a standard blower door test. The higher pressure helps reduce the sealing time
without damaging the house. In some cases, lower application pressure (~75 Pa) will be
considered to prevent over pressurizing attic entrances or other large openings.
What surfaces need to be protected?
During rough-in stage, minimal preparation is required. Electrical outlets, plumbing
penetrations, bathroom/kitchen vents, etc should be covered. The sealant will not stick to
vertical surfaces, so there is no need to cover windows or walls.
After rough-in, the sealing will produce a thin layer of sealant on horizontal surfaces that can be
removed with everyday household cleaners. Any finished horizontal surfaces need to be
covered and any large intentional openings (e.g. exhaust fan ducts) need to be covered
Can the sealing be performed in cold weather?
Although the sealing equipment can heat the air used for pressurizing the space, there are
practical limits to aerosol sealing when it comes to weather conditions. In very cold conditions,
there is concern that the sealant may freeze during application. So, an outdoor temperature of
40 ̊F or higher is the most appropriate. Temperatures below 40 ̊F may require additional steps.
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